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How to use google analytics or keyword planner to analysis keywords

How to use google analytics or keyword planner to analysis keywords

How to use google analytics or keyword planner for keyword analysis

google analytics or keyword planner is an analytics tool or keyword tool which is used to analysis keywords. You need only a gimail account to create an account with adwords keyword tool to analysis keyword

Google analytics is an analytics tool for analysis of keyword. Analysis of Keyword is the most important part of seo. In normal sense keyword is the word or phrase which is used to search anything through search engine. Suppose we need to do an assignment for which we need to know the recent world heritage sites description. For finding information we need to search through search engine. Suppose we are searcing about this writing recent world heritage in search box. In this case recent world heritage is the keyword or think we need to buy a computer from online ecommerce site. So we need to search by using search box by typing purchase computer. This purchase computer will be keyword in this case. There may be other keywords also such as buy computer, new computer, used computer, buy new computer and so on regarding this. In another word keywords are the main words which are focused for writing an article. The texts which are written in that article based on the keywords .

Suppose we have a website and we want to write a page about the rivers of Bangladesh. In this case the whole article will be written which will relate to river. So this river will be the main keyword for this article. There may be other keywords for this article such as rivers of Bangladesh, description of rivers, Padma (the river which is located in Bangladesh), Meghna ( the river which is also located in Bangladesh) and so on. These keywords are use technically for writing articles. There are various techniques for using keywords according to seo. Without proper utilization of keyword we shall not be able to achieve high page rank. Keyword is the most important part for seo. Keywords are necessary for not only writing articles or content but also selecting domain name. Domain name is the most important part for seo. When we search anything by using search engine then search engine find the information from the domain which is same like the word first then search in other domain. Google analytics help this analytics activity. Google analytics is known as keyword planner. For using this google analytics tools or keyword planner at first you need to crate account with adwords keyword tool. To create an account with adwords keyword tool or google analytics tool is totally free. Only you need a gmail account to create account with google adwords keyword tool. After creating an account login with google adwords keyword tool or keyword planner. Then write the keywords in search box and press enter. Keyword tool will search the results and show it.

After login with google analytics tool or google keyword planner click on search for new word and ad group ideas. Then write the word in your “product or service” box. Then If it is needed you can provide your webpage address in your landing page box. But it is optional. You can provide your product’s category in product category box. But it is also optional. Then you can select locations, language, search engine from targeting section if you think it is necessary for you otherwise leave this section without changing anything. After that click get ideas. Then analytics tool or keyword planner will show the result by group. If you want you can check individual word by clicking on keyword ideas tab. You can arrange the search result by ascending or descending order. If you want to arrange according to average monthly result as ascending order click on “Average monthly result”. For descending order arrangement again click on that. The keyword with high monthly searches is best. You can see weather the word’s competition rate is high or low or medium. If the competition is low it will be best for seo and it will be helpful to get page rank easily. Google analytics will show more related words with main keyword with competitor rate, monthly visitors’ rate and other necessary information. Keyword tool or analytics tool is used to analysis word. There are various analytics tool or keyword tools for analysis.