How to use whois for knowing the information of domain name and the related information about whois domain, whois lookup, whois search. known as whois is used to find out data of a domain name. whois lookup data about domain and show below whois search box.
Whois can be said as an internet protocol and it is used to inquiry data from databases for the purpose of collecting various information about domain name or ip address. Basically whois database is the collection of various information such as who is the registrar of the domain name, registration date of the domain, update date of the domain name, the expiration date, the details information of the registered person. Most of the times the address of the actual owner of the domain name can not be found in the database because the actual owner buy the domain name from an agent and the agent provide their address details not the owner address details. In this case the registrar use another name for domain name registration. But whois collects only the registered data which is given by registrar and agent. For this reason the detailed information about the original owner of a domain con not be found in the database sometime. If anybody need to know the information of a domain he or she can use whois.
You can check the availability of a website name by whois search box of for searching availability of a url go to through web browser and type the name of a web address in whois search box of domain whois site. Whois lookup and show the information below the whois domain search box. The domain which has already show been sold will be grey colored and written unavailable. The available domain name will be shown by green colored box and written available. Suppose you have searched by typing in whois domain search box. Whois lookup the website address and show whois lookup result below whois domain search box. If has already been sold it is shown in grey colored box written unavailable and if others url is not sold those will be shown by green colored box with written available. Such as, etc will be shown as available. In this way whois lookup url. You can use it to find out available domain whois. You can buy the available url at normal price.
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